Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Environment: Greenland Ice Melting at Record Pace

I don't really look into environmental issues, but this blog post caught my eye. This post goes to explain that the amount of ice lost in Greenland over the past year is equal to twice as large as Washington D.C.
"The volume of water unleashed by the melting ice raised global sea levels by close to 2 one-hundredths of an inch; were all of Greenland's ice to melt, Steffen predicts, sea levels could be lifted by as much as 21 ft - an unlikely possibility. A 7°F increase since 1991 contributed to another record ice melting year, 10% more than the previous one set in 2005."
Even though there is snowfall which does help, it is no match for the sustaining of glacier melting.

After reading this post it actually made me look into this problem even more. I mean, this abundance of increased sea level over a period of time really can't be good. How long will it be until all the ice melts and there is too much water and erosion? When will the satellite picture of the earth be nothing but blue?

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