This blog post is a feminist post describing the stories of sexual harassment at Jet football games. There was once instance against the Pittsburgh Stealers when there were a bunch of men screaming and chanting at some women to show their breasts. One woman looked like she was about to then stopped and walked away so the men got angry and starting spitting and throwing beer everywhere. This blog is stating that something should be done to stop this from happening.
My opinion seems anti-feminist, but I just think it is reality. Most women love attention and always want to be the center of it, especially if they think they are attractive. I am sure that these women that the men were screaming at didn't really mind it, and actually enjoyed it. Why did one woman act like she was about to pull up her shirt? Don't get me wrong, there are women out there who are very classy and actual find this sort of thing offensive, which they should. Reality is that most women like the attention, and most men will give it to them. To say that there should be something done about this harassment at the Jets' games is ridiculous. This sort of thing happens everywhere at every stadium. Overall, yes I do believe that it is a shame that this is what society has come to. Sexual harassment is a big issue and should be noticed, but in this circumstance at a football game of all places, there will be no action taken whatsoever.
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