Rush Limbaugh says on his December 3rd show, "They're right. The Clintons are famous for dirty campaigns and negative campaigns, but here's the thing, folks. If Barack Obama... Look at what he's just been accused of? He's just been accused of running a slush fund, from the Clintons, by Howard Wolfson! Slush fund? Try multiple slush funds: the legal defense fund, the illegal Chinese campaign contributions back in the nineties, the Chinatown contributions this year, Norman Hsu, and the Clintons call Obama and his PAC a slush fund? I'll tell you if Barack Obama has the onions here, folks, he would stomp Mrs. Clinton on this. She is the last person in the country running a campaign to talk about ethics and money in the same sentence. If he's serious about this, if he and his camp are really serious, they're going to say more than just, "Well, look at this. They're running a negative campaign." They are going to have to turn this around on her and on her husband, and say that this is the height of chutzpah, to be accused of running a slush fund by people who have created it as a work of art and who continue to do so to this day. Campaign slush fund! He's got a golden opportunity here, folks, but it does mean that Mrs. Clinton is in somewhat of a state of panic. A lot of people think that they're a week ahead of everybody in terms of polling data and understanding what's happening, and a lot of people think that she's panicking and coming out with the claws bared at Obama and others because they've got some internal numbers that show her crashing in Iowa and maybe in some other states. It could explain it."
To me this was interesting. He said that the Clintons are known for dirty campaigns. He is talking about running slush funds and that Hillary is in a state of panic. Basically he is saying, if Obama has it in him, he could stop Hilary.
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